Friday, July 11, 2014


The Daily Chatter*

Everyone keeps asking Toni if tomorrow is his wedding. FYI, it's not his wedding but it's the wedding his officiating.

A supplier called in today and said Mary was on a cruise. Interesting because she told me that she was going to Tacoma for the weekend. Where exactly is she and who is she with?

Roxanne was complaining about the heat today, she may not realize that there is a pool at their complex and at her work for that matter.

FYI, Typhinee wants a monkey for her birthday on Monday. I think so that she'll scare Roger away with it.

I saw Roger with his vehicle out next to the dumpster today, I'm pretty sure he was tossing all of his crack because Teri was going to be riding with him later in the day

Riley was so precious and lady like today, this is obviously what Mary teaches her to do.

"Is he just some sort of a limp dick?" Toni to some guy on the phone (Obviously he was trying to feel him out).

Roger's excited because he doesn't have to see me this weekend.

Typhinee embarrassed Riley and told her that her collar and leash didn't match so then Riley didn't want to go outside with her and be seen in public.

Garret bought a macaw bird so Roger won't ever be going to his house.

I had to cover my ears because Roger started a conversation with Marlon "how firm is".....This was after Roger asked me today if I wished Ryan were black.

 *not to be construed as Gossip

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