Wednesday, July 9, 2014


The Daily Chatter*

Roger got the gossip on one of Mary's neighbors yesterday before Mary did.

I like how Tim's thinking today, he said "Happy Friday" but apparently he's not taking any of us on his early weekend. 

This is the line at the Pot Store near Roger's neighborhood, I'm pretty sure this is him in disguise even though he told me that he's not a pot head, he's a crack whore.

Jessica got a ticket yesterday for having too dark of tinting on her windows and she's blaming Bill for giving her the customer that she was on her way to see when she got the ticket.

Michael (Mary's son) made out with Paula Abdul recently.

I thought this was adorable, MSN had a short video of a bear swimming next to a pier at Lake Tahoe.

"Why didn't you call me b*tches?" Mary to Jessica and Typhinee

Steve use to be the Shuttle Service around here and that's why I gave him his own FB page but I'm thinking that Toni should take over that service. He dropped Tim and Roger off today and then fetched Tim lunch, he's quite the man. I made him some cards to pass out.

According to Tim someone has their tit in a ringer, that sounds painful, I hope it isn't Matt again.

Instead of a long pause and Thank-you, Google Voicemail transcript did a  " Y'all Yankee yeah." 

*not to be construed as Gossip

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