Thursday, July 3, 2014


The Daily Chatter*

It's a Fourth of July Miracle, Tim went to the Doctor today.

Roger thinks Toni should advertise the Ram head on Craigslist as having a sh*t load of cocaine inside of it.

"That looks like a Tim thing." Mary

I think Typhinee ticked off Crystal because she keeps calling me instead of her.

Apparently I just need to label all of my emails with Daily Chatter otherwise Bill and Mary don't read them.

I think Serge was concerned after hearing that Bill was going to Utah.

Roger was wondering the other day as to "what would Tim do" in certain situations. I'm going to have buttons made for all of us.

Toni can be such a nice boy at times, he cleaned out the desk that Teri's going to sit at today.

"F*cking Marty is a dumb a$$." Tim

*not to be construed as Gossip

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