The Daily Chatter*
First of all let me say I don't have chicken pox, I have mosquito bites from being up at Mount Rainier yesterday.
Ryan was telling me that he followed someone who was flipping off everyone in the carpool lane who was driving there illegally.Then right after he told me that the next morning I saw someone blatenly use that lane just to get around a metered light so then I wanted to flip them off.
I'm not sure if I should feel like a sex object or special, Marty was the only one who noticed my bug bites this morning.
Tim thinks I match his calendar today.
Tim was the first one to sell Fabrica from our showroom. He's definitely on his way to becoming a designer and passing Roger's design consultant status.
Roger was happy to hear that he had one more day where he could leave his pants off in the man cave.
"Isn't it weird, walking out of a store with a male to male connector?" Bill to Roger
Roger thinks everyone hates him because he got a cute company van on Friday.
Bill thinks his is 1/2 an inch bigger than Toni's.
Bill made a fort in the back of my cabinets today, it was kind of weird but I guess it kept him happy.
Roxanne is a little ticked at Bill right now, her family seems to like him more and they're all friends with him instead of her on some game.
Mary is going to be throwing a summer long party at her house in honor of her crazy neighbor putting her house up for sale.
*not to be construed as Gossip
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