Wednesday, July 17, 2013


The Daily Chatter*

I was so proud of Toni this morning, he told me that he broke RFMS but then I found out it was a huge lie. He only broke his and it was easily fixed. 

I think Tim's wife is going to divorce him over a boat.

Toni was told that from here on out he needs to turn over his paychecks to Tim so that he can buy his boat.

Tim beat the crap out of Ferguson this morning all because of an entry mat for Dierdorff.

Roger's wife thinks "Bill's the man". What is going on with Roger's marriage?

Who does Roger think he is? He had his Do Not Disturb button turned on today. 

I thought Roger was going to lose it today, Bill said he needed to borrow his van.

Roger, Jessica has you beat, she actually did work in a gay bar. Whereas Roger was going to do work in a gay bathhouse and Matt was freaked out that he was going to be the installer. 

*not to be construed as Gossip

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