Wednesday, July 24, 2013


The Daily Chatter*

Roger has his UPS Store rights reinstated. I wonder how much $$$ that cost him?

Tim had a very man on man day yesterday. 

Mary called Matt a good boy today, I think he's going to be her next puppy.

Jessica is kicking the men's butts today and putting them all to shame.

Toni thinks the microwave is pissed at him because it doesn't sound happy. Toni seems to have a real calling, he should be a microwave therapist. Then he could have cards like Tobias on "Arrested Development".

Dang that Matt, I expected him to be perfect like I am.

Roger thinks I can only be honest for a few hours at a time.

Nikki told Toni to call Steve to let him know to never bring his baby down here again. Nikki's tired of receiving texts with pictures from her mom.

Toni thinks he's the worst forklift driver but I'm pretty sure Steve has already taken home that prize.

*not to be construed as Gossip

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