Friday, July 19, 2013


The Daily Chatter*

Roger got kicked out of a UPS store last night with a friendly reminder to never come back and it wasn't even because of his big mouth. I'm sure his picture has spread to all of there other stores by now.

Mary and I are a little upset, Tim didn't invite us out onto his boat this weekend but somehow Bill and Roxanne were invited. That's the last time I do anything for Tim.

Mary and Matt just had one of those moments where neither of them would back down and now I think they have a hot date planned for tomorrow night. It was just like watching Chandler and Phoebe.

I'm so upset, Ryan and I are going to miss out on the Bite of Seattle again this year because we're going to his mother's house in Eugene tonight.

Mary just can't believe that Chris is Cody's dad because she actually likes Cody:)

Jen it's time to have your baby, Mary said so....

*not to be construed as Gossip

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