Monday, April 22, 2013


The Daily Chatter*

Toni drank three beers then worked on a bid at home on Thursday night, that bid should be interesting.  I hope he put on his bid that he wasn't coherent at the time of the bid and couldn't be held responsible for what was or wasn't on his bid.

“Don’t hate me because I have a life.” Bill

According to Roger, Dot has been a disappointment lately.

Toni’s mom mentioned that Toni likes Disney sing along songs. That’s the last time we ever ask to use Toni’s ipod at one of our company functions.

Damon thought Bill was in Mexico on vacation. Not sure how he got Mexico from Klamath Falls, Oregon.

Mary’s calling BS on Tim again especially after seeing him with his granddaughter on Friday.

Mary and Toni’s mom were planning their visits with their grandchildren on Friday; if that’s not pressure I’m not sure what is.

Tim claims his youngest is moving out and he’s happy because now he can have sex in any room of the house that he wants, whereas Mary is devastated that her youngest just moved away today.

Michael sure wanted the gossip on Friday at the BBQ; I think he needs to start a blog of his own.

Nikki brought in a catalog that only premier Nordstrom customers get and Mary was offended that she doesn’t qualify to get the catalog but I’m sure that Randy’s relieved.

“He should have lost one of his nuts over that.” Roger

Stephanie found this song for her brother since he’s moving to Tennessee and it’s something else. Bill, this is totally safe to play around Roxanne’s parents especially if you don’t want them to like you.

I made copies of all the appearances made by Matt and Steve from Saturday’s “Sell This House Extreme” episode.

Roger blames Ryan for Serge’s pork chops being so dry. Roger claims Ryan was in charge of the grill so apparently he should have kicked Serge out of there.

Mary and Toni’s mom are going to start sending each other porn. 

I think I ruined all of Roger's master schemes today and I feel good about it. 

I think Vance and Ryan figured out how to make some good money. They want to have therapy classes for people who have worked or work for Valley. 

Tim was tickled pink on Friday that I made out the reimbursement check to him and not his wife.  I should probably call his wife and let her know what I did. 

Most of you missed a great chick fight today in front of our office. Toni was so scared that he walked out the back door to his car and got the heck out of here.

*not to be construed as Gossip

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