Friday, April 12, 2013


The Daily Chatter*

Matt’s not going to be happy, we’re switching one Grab girl for another at our BBQ this year and it's not his favorite or at least that's what he said at our Christmas Dinner. I feel slighted that Steph doesn’t want to see us anymore.

Bill was wrong, it was my great grandson who I borrowed the Voip headset from. (I need to look good for my age).

It looks like there’s new "Burning Love" episodes.

Bill asked Roger why he was starting now trying to avoid embarrassment.

Roger and I can’t be friends anymore because he doesn’t like Cilantro.

Bill finds it creepy that Toni sings people’s names.

Mary and Roger were fighting over tile installers today.

Nikki was trying to annoy Toni last night with some of his pet peeves, I think she’s trying to get rid of him.

Mary told Toni that nobody likes him.

Roger had food envy with Vance’s food at lunch today.

Matt says it was too quiet in here today to be CSF.
Bill’s going to go broke moving next to Fry’s but I guess I won’t say anything since I want to use his pool.

“Your eye was twitching at lunch or you were trying to pick me up?” Bill to Toni

*not to be construed as Gossip

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