Monday, April 8, 2013


The Daily Chatter*

Rick seems to be losing it and all over a bottle of Gatorade of all things.

At least Tim’s honest and told us he slept in this morning and that it was bullsh*t on his part.

“I really like him.” Toni

“I’m just saying you’re going to be b*tching at me.” Tim to Bill

Tim says he went fishing in the p*ssing down rain on Saturday.

It’s a love fest according to Tim. Joe and Ed have something going on or Joe wrote the note himself. 

“I handled it? That doesn’t sound like me...” Bill

What the crap and to quote Bill "This is BullSh*t" Toni and Ryan were the only two who made it on United Tile’s blog pictures for their open house. What about the rest of us, were pretty too…

Some rep actually called Mary and me sweet today, man was he mistaken.

Roger was extremely excited in a weird way to find out if some old lady customer of his was really hot back in the day but now that he knows that she wasn't he just wants her to leave him in her will. 

Mary thinks Toni and Bill sound like an old married couple.

Tim thinks he can put his name on his own samples around here and Bill thinks he can put his name on all of the  installers. 

Tim menitoned that Donna gave him extra money last week on payday but he still feels jipped. 

You definitely feel the love out of Tim for his family, he called his son a dumb a$$ today.  

Bill must think that 2:45 is his new 5 on Monday's. 

Roger tried telling Mary and me that orange wasn't our color. 

Toni plans on being wasted at our BBQ. 

*not to be construed as Gossip

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