Thursday, April 18, 2013


The Daily Chatter*

Mary’s the best texter ever. She texted me “Did you” last night so then I had to start guessing what I did and I still haven’t figured it out.

I have amazing news, my sister and her douche bag boyfriend broke up. Hopefully they stay apart this time.

I overheard Joe tell Toni this morning that he likes to “play hardcore”.

“I went back on myself.” Toni   Not exactly sure if I should know what that means.

Bill says he’s the boss. Is that why he went to the Tulalip Outlet Stores?

Roger says he has lots of imaginary conversations with himself.

Bill offered Toni a hardhat after he ran into something today.

“I want to feel special.” Bill

“I don’t want to be on Toni’s hit list if I don’t watch it.” Bill referring to a movie

Bill says the Sumo suits that he ordered for the BBQ have 50 pound balls on each of them just to weigh them down.

"It’s teeny tiny" according to Bill.

Roger doesn’t want to be cremated because he’s afraid of fire but he also doesn’t want bugs to eat on him when he’s dead.

Toni thinks that I would lie to him. NO check for Toni this week.

Toni seems to be hitting on my Ryan. Toni’s shouldn’t even try, I have much larger boobs than he does and besides Ryan told me that Toni’s S.O.L.

Toni was trying to psych Bill out today about meeting Smoxanne’s parents next week.

Matt’s amazing he’s just like a superhero he fixed the light in the bathroom today.

Toni says he can’t continue his relationship with Tim unless he gets this job that he’s bidding but if he gets it they can be best friends. He’s pretty finicky with his relationships. 

*not to be construed as Gossip

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