Wednesday, April 3, 2013


The Daily Chatter*

I called and got Phil at De/Mar this morning; that was not a good way to start off my day.

I have a feeling that I may not get my Tucson back. Ryan’s going to discover that you don’t sit on the freaking ground while driving it and he’s not going to want to give it back. I’m so lost without all of my steering wheel controls.

“I really need to stop doing f*cking softball.” Tim      I hope he remembers this next year....

Toni has a big mouth and got Tim all ruffled up at me this morning.

“Hang on a minute I need to flip somebody off.” Roger

Rogers morning conversation on the phone started off about how weird dogs are since they like to hang their heads out of moving car windows.

Bill broke Toni’s heart today; he didn’t remember their movie date and had plans with Smoxanne instead.

“What do you think I do all day long?” Bill     Does he really want us to answer that?

Roger says you can never have too many brownie points with your wife.

Tim is now critiquing my outfits, what gives? At least I'm not referred to as the Muppet Man. 

Roxanne has a shovel in her trunk, I don’t want to be on her bad side.

Mary’s son the one who likes to frequent Chippendales apparently thinks that if a girl disagrees with him that he would just set her straight…ok Tom Cruise.

I think before Ryan leaves for Tennessee he should give Toni his contact info for Chippendales since he’s a platinum balls member and we could probably get a discount on the entertainment for our BBQ. 

“Matt’s a knuckle head.” That was pretty short and sweet unlike what Bill normally says.

Four seems to be the new five and ten seems to the new eight for Bill. He’s all messed up with this new time change.
Who the heck was watching Toni? He was out in the world all by himself making a pick up at T&A, he could have been raped. 

It’s supposed to say “I have Pens” but I ran out of room. Rick was insistent on having pens the other day so he got them. 

 *not to be construed as Gossip

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