Thursday, March 21, 2013


The Daily Chatter*

Bill walked in the door and wanted to know what was wrong with Toni. Toni was his same abnormal self.

Bill tried telling me yesterday that today was going to be Friday, he’s such a liar.

Bill said he put some mints in his office for safe keeping.

Toni has one nice ball today even if it is blue.

“I can be very generous when it’s somebody else’s stuff.” Mr. U’nnells

“She has this coming.” Bill about Mary

“Nothing like stirring the pot and then leaving.” Tim

Roger and Dot got to see Louis C.K. so at least Bill will be jealous.

Steve says his wife is a terrible liar.

Toni thinks he may commit a murder, luckily the person is in California and by the time he drives there he’ll receive his email from this woman and he’ll change his mind.

Mary said Bill’s having an affair with Matt & Steve, well now I guess I'll have to choose Marty. In the opposite definition as Adam use to say, I don't want Bill's sloppy seconds. 

Mary told her customer that she gets around. 

*not to be construed as Gossip

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