The Daily Chatter*
“Easter, that’s the one where we all sit
around and throw eggs at each other, right?” Roger
Mary’s high maintenance, a prude and squeamish
according to Roger and Tim, they both had a discussion about it this morning.
I had a dream last night that Bill told
me that he was pregnant again.
Roger was disappointed that he couldn’t
be Tim’s hero this morning.
Tim was being mean to Roger this morning (according
to Roger) so I sent Tim to his corner and then forgot about him, he may still be there. I should probably check.
Toni’s upset that his mother hasn’t been
by the office with any food for him recently. She probably feels threatened since all of us keep hitting on her every time that she comes in. It’s the same
reason why Jenny doesn’t come down here to visit.
We discovered today that Mr. Ferguson has
the same bad bathroom phone etiquette as Tim.
I think we finally scared the Asian
off from our parking lot; he now parks in front of his store.
Bill found it inconvenient for me to ask
him for his signature today when he was trying to text his girlfriend.
Bill thinks I’m full of sh*t but obviously I'm not.
Tim told Mr. Ferguson that he wanted his
job but that he won’t leave. Ferguson said that other shops have bets as to
whose store he’ll fall over dead at.
“How could you not like a guy like me?”
Toni tried asking Tim what one of his
saying meant today, horrible mistake.
Bill feels like all the women in his
life are constantly telling him not to screw things up.
Toni asked the guy from Pac Mat if their
phone options really have recently changed.
Bill thinks that ever since Roger threw up 12
times in a row his sense of humor went with it.
Ferguson needs to come and do more PK’s
because our lunch spread was awesome.
“I’m blaming Roger for breaking the big
printer.” Bill
Toni mentioned that Nikki doesn’t like
Lemon so I told him to dump her. Honestly it would be doing her a favor.
Toni likes the Mercedes Mullet combo, he
thinks that would work well for him.
We had quite a surprise today, Adam came
in. Of course Bill and Adam had to reminisce about old times and Steve will be
happy to know that his passing out story came up only because Adam had another employee pass out at the sight of blood.
Hum, what the heck “I thought I was
pushing hard. I hope it was a tight fit at first.” What kind of phone sex line
is Mary running around here?
I think Adam was a little worried that
Bill was going to sell his house and seriously move his parents in with Adam.Well they have to go somewhere.
*not to be construed as Gossip
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