Friday, March 8, 2013


The Daily Chatter*

Tim really seems to have taken casual Friday to an all new extreme around here, he looks like he’s going to play soccer on his lunch break.

I think Rick is trying to get me sick. Toni thought I was taking shots this morning, it was only Dayquil and not the fun stuff in Mary's desk. 

Friday turned out to be a good day to be nice to Bill especially since he wasn’t here much today.

Tim was flipping me sh*t this morning over his check. I have a feeling that he’s going to try selling us stuff for cash from here on out. He complains that his wife doesn’t give him any of his money.

Mary tried giving me a heart attack today, she tried telling me that Claim Jumpers in Tukwila closed but then she reread her text from her lush party b*tches and they were closed by 11pm. I'm happy because my happy hour spot is still intact.

All Roger came in today for was Friday lunch and the guys took off without him.

“Men are never crazy.” Roger

The air dates for the A&E show that most of our guys are on is 4/20 & 4/27.

Mary made fun of the way Toni rolled his shirt cuff and he was getting very concerned that he was full on gay instead of a little gay but then I had to tell him that Ryan’s gay too just to appease him.

Roger wanted to replace Mary’s headache with diarrhea, that’s a little bizarre.

Mary claims that she’s made mistakes before…. That’s a pretty big thing for her to admit.

Toni’s too self conscience, what’s his problem.

I thought I saw Captain Morgan in our Kashmoo system today but unfortunately it was only Carpet style Morgan. I think it was a great suggestion for my evening though and I’m going to blame it all on Roger.

Remember to Spring your clocks forward this Saturday night.

*not be be construed as Gossip

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