Wednesday, March 6, 2013


The Daily Chatter*


Steve and Mary were comparing their sex lives notes with each other yesterday afternoon.

Denise Austin kicked my butt this morning, she did things that I didn’t know where humanly possible, I may be crippled tonight from it.

Tim must not like us anymore because he waited in his truck a long time before coming in this morning.

I had a dream that I had a black baby and a very colorful logo tattoo on my arm that I had no idea what it was.

Toni thinks I made spearmint pot tea yesterday.

Toni doesn’t see the similarities between him and the hardwood rep John that the rest of us see. Toni says he has some questions for his mom though. 

Mary’s friends have been showering her with compliments over her son’s amazing video.

Our hardwood rep was telling me today that he talked to GB a week or so ago and GB mentioned in frustration that his new bookkeeper wasn’t as good as April so of course that was nice to hear even if our rep was lying.

Toni came into my office today with his shirt halfway unbuttoned, I think one of our sweatshop guys found themselves a new boy toy.

According to Bill “everyone wants Tim” I think Bill’s incredibly jealous.

Roger told Toni that he’s a horrible homosexual because he has a terrible gag reflex.

Toni forgot which Bubble Guppy he looked like so I apparently need to refresh his memory with an updated name tag.

“She didn’t screw me so I don’t have to hate her.” Roger

Mary doesn’t have time for Bill’s shenanigans.

Roger told us today that we all thought O.J. was pretty cool until he started killing white women.

Bill’s having a hard time trying to find loop holes to get out of his partnership with Mary.

Roger and his friends use to play knife games when they were young. This explains why he’s so proud of having feet and why he takes lots of pictures of them while he’s on vacation.

Bill says that Toni just stares right through him every time he comes out of the bathroom. 

*Not to be construed as Gossip

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