Tuesday, March 12, 2013


The Daily Chatter*

I started an I hate Rick Fan Club on the internet since I'm at home in bed sick today. I was shocked when I woke up from my nap and I had over 1,000 fans.

It's probably a good day for me to not be at the office because I'm sure that Roger's rubbing it in everyone's face that he's going to England and possibly to The Vatican to become the Pope if he paid off enough of the cardinals. He can be relentless and I'm sure the phone calls from him just don't stop with his smugness.

Steve just can't leave Toni's nuts alone today.

Bill thinks he's going to protect Toni tonight from his insurance agent but I would think that if he needs security that he'll bring Roxanne since she's taller.

Tim and Bob were apparently plotting something out in the parking lot today. Bill wanted to make a Fort out of boxes to protect himself in case Tim wanted to overrule the Kingdom but I'm sure that Toni neglected to build it for him so it probably didn't get done.

More than likely Tim was trying to figure out how to get more money out of his wife for another boat, while also needing a Segway for Disc Golf and all the while trying to get rid of any of his kids that are still living with him.

Bill thinks his court jesters are trying to poison him. I think he's more delusional than I am today. 

The first movie that I watched today had a girl named Toni in it. The third movie that I watched  reminded me that there are meaner people in this world than Roger. It was based on a true story about Joan Crawford and she went ballistic over many things like wire hangers and cleanliness and then when she didn't leave anything to her children in her will they wrote a book all about her craziness.

I have remembered to stay off of Amazon.com today since I didn't want the same thing happening to me that happened to Bill  when he was sick and went on a shopping spree and didn't remember much about it. 

Poor Toni missed out on the Maroon 5 Concert again. I really think that I need to talk to Nikki about letting him go next time. That's seriously  mean of Nikki not to let Toni go to such a gay concert and be with his own people.

*not to be construed as Gossip

1 comment:

  1. April,
    You seriously need to come back to work. Whatever I did to make you stay home I am truly Sorry! Someone had to take this pic then send to you. Who is Plotting What? I've got some jobs to bid if you have to much free time on your hands.
