Wednesday, March 20, 2013


The Daily Chatter*

Roger better have some good stories for us when he gets back because he's going to be jealous to hear that Vance has been sharing some awesome stories with us and he also lived in Hawaii and New Zealand so now he's doubly cool.

Toni wants to take a road trip with Damon.

Matt must have something tasty in the back of his truck because he had a seagull who wanted to go home with him.

Marty and I rendezvoused at the mailbox today so much for me running off with Matt. I just can’t make up my mind as to which installer I really want.

Somehow bouncy fun houses lead to orgy day dreaming for Toni and my Ryan.

Mary wants Bill to measure the scar on her armpit but I told her Bill was too busy with Roxanne.

Toni said some carpet almost hit him in the face today.Strange because it was the same carpet Damon was looking for.

Steve said this morning that his balls are missing so if you find them please let him know.

Mary said the cookie didn’t make her armpit feel any better today. 

Mary wants to change Bill's name to Billi. She's already spreading the word. 

Toni is now nicknaming people by their coat colors. Won't most people be black then?


*not to be construed as Gossip

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