Monday, March 4, 2013


The Daily Chatter*

Bill made me risk my life in the warehouse this morning just to get him a box of Kleenex.

According to Roger the girl at the Fossil store thought there wasn’t anything to do in New York City, she obviously lives in her own world.

Bill said something touched him deep inside this morning, I think it might have been an alien invasion.

Mary was telling the world again that she loves really great sheets. I think she was trying to turn the gay man on the phone straight so that he would sleep with her.

Mary’s famous son is going to be on TV tomorrow night talking about boners on “The Doctor’s”. Mary’s must be so proud.

Am I so oblivious to everything around here that Bill thinks it’s strange that I have 20/20 vision?

Speaking of my vision, I had my first eye exam on Saturday and Ryan went before me only to tell the optometrist to tell me that I would go blind if I didn’t wear a patch over my left eye. Luckily the optometrist came clean and told me what he plotted and now Ryan thinks that she broke the doctor patient confidentiality rule.

Toni was refused for nude male modeling in college. Joe thinks it’s because Toni refused to shave.

I mentioned to Bill that we were going to add all of his family to the Chatter list since they never know what’s going on with him.

According to Mary she only drinks juice with alcohol because otherwise it’s a waste of calories.

Bill doesn’t think that it’s possible for Mary to start drinking more.

Toni says Nikki ignores him 95% of the time. Obviously she has to otherwise she would have to admit to herself that she’s dating a gay man.

Mary was ready to pull a Tim today if she had to. 

*not to be construed as Gossip


  1. I think you should have come out of your appointment with the patch, and spent a week playing helpless with Ryan because of the eye patch.
    Also love the disclaimer!

  2. The nice thing with Ryan is I can pretend to be helpless anytime I want to and he'll do anything I ask:)
