Monday, April 20, 2015


The Daily Chatter*

"Geez, you guys are embarrassing." Tim about Bill and Toni and their shoes

"I can probably get $10.50 because I'm such a great guy." Tim about his hot dog idea after I told him Costco sell theirs and a drink for $1.50

"It sucks that I know that now." Toni about Mary and her topless table top dancing with only socks that Chris always reminds her about

"Bill's wearing Star Wars shoes..." Typhinee thinking things are getting really queer around here
Roger is a trend setter. He wore the same exact outfit that Steven Tyler wore last night at the ACM Awards to our BBQ on Friday.
Toni actually ran into Vic our rep and his smoking hot wife when he was over on Whidbey.

We really should have had the day off today, the guy who played Gilbert on "Anne of Green Gables" died over the weekend, he was only 48. That was one of my favorite movies as a kid.

*not to be construed as Gossip

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