Friday, April 3, 2015


The Daily Chatter*

Bill came in with another black eye, he's really looking quite beat up this week. This time I think it's because Roxanne is mad at the postal service for not delivering all of their wedding invitations. 

Tim's the man, he killed a spider, barehanded, for me today. 

According to Bill, Toni is a "dick-faced liar." 

"I never heard Papa Smurf say any of that stuff." Bill while he was on the phone and playing beer pong at his desk

Bill came in and told me that Roxanne finally switched to BECU. I couldn't believe that he was engaged to someone without that already being a prerequisite. He just blew my whole world today, I'm going to need to weekend to recover from this.

I totally called it yesterday. Roger got his way and saw Showgirls last night. Poor Dot, I can totally see the despairing pain of marrying Roger in this picture.

I hope everyone has a great Easter!

*not to be construed as Gossip

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