Wednesday, April 15, 2015


The Daily Chatter*

I came up with my million dollar idea, GPS App with Roger's voice.Wouldn't it be soothing to hear:
"You F*cking moron you missed your exit, now you owe me a Starbucks." "What are you, f*cking Asian?" "You're a F*cking Lunatic." "You're not doing what I said!!!" or Roger trying to hit on you while you're doing the speed limit with his famous "You don't sweat much for a fat girl/guy." When the app turns on he would give you his list of requirements, one being that you have to hit all chickens and birds and put them out of their misery so that he never has to deal with them.

Speaking of Roger phobias, Bing had a picture of a blue monkey from Kenya on their website today.

Percy Sledge died yesterday, he was the one who sang "When a Man Loves a Woman".

Tim says he doesn't play fair so don't ever race him in a race car of all things.

It sounds like Roxanne is getting so much praise at work that her head is going to explode and before her wedding of all things. 

Dot, I have to openly invite you to the BBQ this Friday because I'm sure that Roger hasn't mentioned it because he wants Crystal all to himself.

Toni's acting odd, it's probably because he's going on vacation tomorrow.

*not to be construed as Gossip

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