The Daily Chatter*
Ryan and I were at the mall last night and we both noticed a lady who was blasting some sort of really annoying Muslim chants on her phone or some really distorted walkman and after she walked out the door I turned to Ryan and told him that was a good way for her to get shot. Yes, I was feeling very Roger like after I said that.
"Have you called Thompson Tile lately?" Bill No, why? me "I don't know what kind of phone system they have but they all sound sexy." "Even Steve?" Me "That would be the ultimate test." Bill
Bill thinks he fixed the bathroom door lock today but I asked Roxanne to come in later to check his work.
"As a straight guy I'm not afraid to say he's a good looking guy." Roger
"He made me wish I had another daughter or a gay son." Mary
"Don't yell at me." Roger to Mary
Mary wants her freaking fries and Bill's not hurrying....If Bill goes missing I'll know what happened.
*not to be construed as Gossip
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