Monday, December 22, 2014


The Daily Chatter*

Matt says his girlfriend is in Arizona and he's on the loose just running amuck this week. Someone really needs to be babysitting him.

Joe Cocker died, apparently he had a little too much help from his friends. (bad joke but I couldn't resist)

Roger told Typhinee that she would be good at alphabetizing and organizing hell, wasn't that nice of him.

For those of you who need  a "Downton Abbey"/"Mr. Selfridge" Christmas fix with George Clooney. (2 videos)

Toni is recommending this little concoction that he found at the liquor store over the weekend.  He's been trying to perfect his gin & tonic recipe all day today and I've been his guinea pig and I'm starting to feel a lot of Christmas Cheer.

Bill told me that he was about to call me Carmen today. I hope he does mean Carmen as in the crazy woman who almost broke our big printer, Carmen. If so I'm going to have to kick his a$$ along with Roger's. It's Bill's way of rebelling today because I'm wearing blue again.

Bill started complaining after lunch that Toni broke his (Bill's) car.

Toni just ruined "Home Alone" for me. He said his buddy texted him and mentioned that he was going to watch all of the "Home Alone's" tonight and on the list was a dirty Home Alone porno. 

*not to be construed as Gossip

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