Tuesday, December 2, 2014


The Daily Chatter*

Michael wants weekly sales meetings and Tim says we have to wait till 2016. Is Tim finally going to get his crap together in 2016?

Serge is threatening to bring in his Ukrainian Christmas desserts again this year. I'm an ungrateful b*tch and I just want doughnuts instead.

Roger's getting a crown today and he thinks that it's more exciting than most things in his life. If he was getting a royal crown that would be another story but he's only getting his tooth crowned but maybe his brain doesn't know that yet....

"You know what I liked about Gary Brown more than you (Bill)? Gary had batteries." Roger

 "It's not interesting unless it's about Roxanne." Bill  (Apparently I need to change the Chatter to everything that Roxanne says.)

Roxanne and I agreed today that Bill is a whiny baby and then Roxanne felt bad for him that we were picking on him and he didn't even know it. 

"I'm going to try to change my stripes." Tim

Toni may end up in jail tonight, he had to visit Comcast to return his equipment....


*not to be construed as Gossip

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