Friday, December 19, 2014


The Daily Chatter*

I shamed Tim this morning with RFMS. I asked him to show me how he was going to fix what he just screwed up and he couldn't do it. I love having that kind of power over him:)

Mary's son Ryan missed his flight in Houston because they washed down the plane in Knoxville and it made them late.

"I would have paid $30.00 to see her sooner." Bill about Roxanne paying $25.00 to catch an earlier flight

Everyone should call Mary's home phone tonight at 10pm and get the laugh of their life. She chewed out a solicitor last night who has been calling for weeks at 10pm and she expects the same to happen tonight. 

I'm going to have to kick Roger's butt he pulled a Vance.  He better sleep with his eyes open tonight.

"I'm a total dumba$$." Toni

I got in trouble from Typhinee for repeating something that Toni said today.

According to Bill, Marty has animal magnetism. 

*not to be construed as Gossip

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