Tuesday, December 9, 2014


The Daily Chatter*

"If you need anyone to bang it, I'm your man." Bill to Typhinee

Toni thinks that he's being Punk'd by Ashton Kutcher on one of his jobsites.

Bill put me in charge of buying Roxanne's Christmas gift and I found something very special, personalized earrings.

Mary called this morning and needed one of us to bail her and her girlfriends out of jail. I left that all up to Bill because he likes to make people dig ditches in his backyard to pay back their debt of gratitude.

Mary would like for everyone to know that her pajamas are Vera Wang. 

Tim and Toni don't seem to be able to communicate with each other or either they have orchestrated a great lie to fool all of us into believing that they're stupid just so that they could go to an expensive dinner together.

Roger complained about the Winter soap in the bathroom today, he only wants Lemon. Apparently Dot must be depriving him of Lemon soap at home. I'm going to write a letter to Santa and see if Santa can get him lemon hand soap instead of the PS3 and the waterbed  that he asked for.

Roger told me that he can only tolerate me but nobody else at work. What a liar, what was he doing outside with Toni?

Michael's a mess, he was carrying all of his loose screws in a cup today. 

Toni told us that Jean Enersen is a huge Klepto and it very possibly could be true. There are several blogs about it.

Bill is going to kick my butt for reminding him about the "blue conversation". Now he's trying to blame the comment on Gary but I know for darn sure Gary never ever would have said that blue wasn't a good color on me unless of course you asked him today.

*not to be construed as Gossip

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