The Daily Chatter*
"You need to drop one of those ho's." Bill to Marty
Bill thinks I'm having an affair with Mary Anne's mom all because her name came up on caller id three times.
"What do you mean that your husband won't let you repeat my stories?" Roger to me
"I think I could get a lot of money for my body." Mary to Randy Mary would like to start going to the hotel meetings from now on, she thinks that's prime picking.
I don't think Roxanne's going to want to come back home.
Roger says he lies to his wife about "The Chatter." He tells her that I make up everything about him and what he says.
Toni, Ryan Seacrest is single again....
Bill wanted to kill Tim today but Tim just made one of his sales goals today so Bill can't be too mad.
Typhinee's daughter came to work with her this afternoon and had to be subjected to Roger. Typhinee's going to have a lot of explaining to do tonight as to why it's not appropriate to say what Roger says.
*not to be construed as Gossip
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