The Daily Chatter*
Tim flaked out on Toni last night and used his grown a$$ kid as an excuse for not going to a Christmas Dinner meeting last night. Bill invited me to go in Tim's place but he wanted me to pay 150% of what he paid for the meal.
"I thought you would want to see me because I'm awesome." Bill
Dot flew home last night and the airline lost her baggage but when it was delivered to their home today Roger rummaged through everything just to see if she had any mementos from any of her boyfriends and luckily for her she did not but Roger found it very strange that she flew home from a business trip from Portland with only bathing suits, high heels and lingerie in her suitcase.
It looks like Steve and Matt fit in well with the natives in Darrington.
Toni was trying to back out of Roger's promise that he made yesterday to an installer but we finally got Toni to realize that a promise is a promise and he took one for the team. Something like that happened on "Mad Men" once and Joan was promoted to a partner...just saying Toni may expect something like that but luckily we just spent money on a nice dinner for him because of his screw up according to Tim.
"Randy counts as two people anyway." Mary I hope she's not talking about his weight....
Nikki wants to know who the heck she's going to sit by at Bill and Roxanne's wedding. Now that just about everyone she knows will be in the wedding and I don't think that she wants to get stuck next to Matt with this drunk "How you doing?" all night.
*not to be construed as Gossip
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