The Daily Chatter*
"I gotta go yell at some MF's." Toni
Apparently you don't have to drive a sexy car if you are already sexy according to Joe and Toni.
"She doesn't hate me, I think you're just trying to stir up sh*t." Roger to me
Now Typhinee's telling me that she doesn't like the Winter Soap. There's just no pleasing anyone around here...
Roger told me that he has lime soap at home and that he's almost out of it. I told him that he should go with Cody to Bath & Body Works and pick out some new hand soaps together.
"I'm a Shaw guy. I don't give a rat's ass about Mohawk!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Roger
This is how Bill feels about PK Meetings.
"I was being honest, you didn't have to lie to me." Mary to Toni
"Can't I just have Beverly?" Tim to our tile rep
"You're hot except for that beard." Mary to Steve
"I'm going to a logging town, I can't shave it now." Steve to Mary
Steve says he's only getting compliments on his beard from guys.
*not to be construed as Gossip
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