Thursday, December 18, 2014


The Daily Chatter*

Cody's word of advise is to never go to Bath & Body Works during one of their Christmas candle sales. He said women were grabbing stuff out of his hands and the store was packed and the help couldn't restock fast enough and finally they just wheeled a stack of candles out and left them beside the display.

Bill had Toni take Roxanne's car to his place but Bill gave him her car fab instead of the garage door opener so Toni wasted a perfectly good hour of his life and accomplished nothing.

"Typhinee sent me to a crazy woman's house." Roger

 Roxanne may not come home if I tell her that it's crappy, cold and rainy here.

"Some questions I wish I never asked." Bill   (he must have been talking to Roger).

Roger just informed me that he's going to be gone tomorrow and Monday and he's blaming it on his daughter coming into town. I wasn't sure how we were going to survive but then I remembered that Tim will be back tomorrow.

Mary must be with Roxanne because Bank of America says she did lots of spending in California today. 

*not to be construed as Gossip

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