Tuesday, December 23, 2014


The Daily Chatter*

Roger had a booty call from Crystal at 9pm last night but he couldn't go because his wife is in town. It's probably a good thing he didn't go because Crystal didn't recall even calling Roger last night.

Steve doesn't want Bill helping him out on his jobsite. Bill's complaining that Steve doesn't appreciate him and he was the one who trained him.

"Maybe they're planning my birthday." Bill about Roger and Typhinee

Michael was tattling on Tim today for not being a team player.

Remember weeks ago when I offered to help Tim with his Christmas shopping ideas and he snubbed me...well today he wanted my help and it was too late.

Toni was out in the parking lot today hugging several men. Bill said it was better that he did that outside.

Bill told us to hide under our desks when Mary got here today. I told him that Mary wasn't Crystal and we didn't need to hide.

Bill and Toni are Debbie Downers today.

"Remember when I used to be nice." Bill

*not to be construed as Gossip

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