Tuesday, January 29, 2019


The Daily Chatter*

My long lost lover Larry (who I still don't remember) called Toni out today and said "I hear she works with you". So somebody told Larry....Hopefully whomever this person was also told him that I didn't age gracefully.

Marty just got back from his Mexico cruise and he showed me how much sun he got on his chest. Is he going to expect me to show him my chest and my tan lines when I get back from my vacation? I'm pretty sure that my husband is going to object to that.

Roxanne saw this sign for Bill's TV and Entertainment Service while they were in Florida last week. She thought that her husband was a 70's stripper on the side. I argued because I could only picture him as a John Wayne impersonator & stripper since that's his favorite actor. I guess we'll probably find out in the near future since Roxanne is going to keep a better eye on Bill.

The Whatever Board of the Day

(It is an actual picture of Michael, unless Tim lied to me.)

*not to be construed as Gossip

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