Thursday, January 10, 2019


The Daily Chatter*

Do I look like a hooker today because I just got cat called by one of our labor ready guys. I guess I should maybe stop wearing sheer clothing.

I'm starting to think all of our guys are gay. Bud told me something very concerning today or either it's possibly the most brilliant thing I've heard for possibly picking up women, I'm not sure.

"That was the best money I've ever made." Tim about Kellen's tire business

I broke the news to my husband already that one of the labor ready guys was going to join us on our date tonight.

I'm pretty sure whatever adhesive the warehouse used today got our whole office high because I broke the unwritten rule of talking to someone in the bathroom while the door was closed and Typhinee's probably going to slap me for it.

Toni just found out that my husband is a professional football player.

The Kellen Board of the Day

*not to be construed as Gossip

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