Monday, January 14, 2019


The Daily Chatter*

Apparently Roxanne isn't the only one who likes to get her coffee from the titty barista. Ryan saw an Apex van go through one on Saturday (so we have at lease one straight man around here).

Toni thinks that I follow him everywhere. He was insistent that I had tried Randy's favorite coffee concoction multiple times, I informed Bill who was in the room at the time that I drink at heavily at work.

Toni told me today that he and Steve ran into one of my old admirers (from Newcastle days) on their airport job and I have no idea who this guy is. My biggest clue was supposed to be that he used to call me April, May, June (which every old guy does and thinks is funny).

Roger doesn't understand what he's doing to himself. He's leaving us and starting a new job and then his wife is going to leave him for the whole month of February to go to Australia again. He's going to be so messed up and there's a huge possibility that his new co-workers aren't going to think that he's funny which is going to be devastating to him.

I'm super stoked, the group of men are coming back tomorrow to help in the warehouse. I wonder if my man made the cut?

The Kellen Board of the Day

*not to be construed as Gossip

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