Wednesday, January 16, 2019


The Daily Chatter*

Bill asked me if I was looking for Kellen behind the door this morning in the break room and I told him that the swiffer mop would make an excellent Kellen stick. He informed me that I have some weird hobbies.

Bill wants me to add him as a contributor to The Daily Chatter, he wants to put it on his resume so that he can go and work with Roger, he's had enough of us.

Tim's very upset with Roger right now for abandoning us. I think Tim's going to start his own Roger board.

Kellen tried talking to me in my dreams the other night but I think I woke up before I heard what he wanted to say.

Serge's business partner was trying to fill out his airport paperwork and he had to ask what to put down for race and Serge told him Caucasian. This guy not being fluent with English apparently thought Serge was telling him Cock Asian, he didn't have any clue as to what Caucasian meant.

"Kellen was right, the place is falling apart without him." Bill

Toni asked Bill what he was doing with his kids next week (since Bill and Mary will be at a trade show in Orlando). Toni then mentioned that kids can go a week without eating. I sure hope that Nikki has this kid thing worked out because June is going to be here way too soon.

Tim's blue cup is missing and he's very concerned about it. If found please call him while he's on vacation.

*not to be construed as Gossip

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