Thursday, January 24, 2019


The Daily Chatter*

When Tim was rummaging through Bill's desk yesterday looking for his hot cocoa cup he stopped and said something about "this would make good ransom material". It left me scratching my head wondering what on earth he found that Bill was hiding in his desk (that was better than pictures of Vegas hookers with Bill) that I hadn't found already from my weekly rummagings.

Bill's kind of brutal when he's on vacation, he told Tim that he didn't care what he did to Toni in revenge for his mug. I'm sorry but we need Toni so we're going to have to find another K.K. (besides I need good Daily Chatter material).

Roger accused me today of not liking somebody that I don't think I even know. Understandably I probably wouldn't like the guy so I should just thank Roger for warning me.

Poor Heather, both Typhinee and I asked her if there were crayons in the cookies that she and her son made last night, we really are arrogant and ungrateful people.

The Whatever Board of the Day

*not to be construed as Gossip

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