Monday, January 21, 2019


The Daily Chatter*

Our weekend cleaning crew recognized Mary's dog because "she's chubby". Once Mary finds out we're going to have to find new cleaners.

Now that Steve finally got to tell some more people his Poo story on Friday Ashley, Sarah and Typhinee are all seeing him in a different light and are constantly telling him to shower.

It's all Toni's fault that The Daily Chatter was all about Bill on Friday, he distracted me with work and I didn't get a chance to proof read it.

Sarah was absolutely right, Roger definitely chatted way too long with the crazy customers who wouldn't let him into their house because he washed his clothes with scented detergent after they specifically requested no cologne. On top of that they informed him that their "allergies" came from flying too much and he even knew that their daughter didn't visit them.

Ryan and I drove by the place that Roger's supposed to be working from now on so I took the opportunity to leave a bunch of Roger quotes graffitied on the outside of their building. I'm pretty sure he's going to be begging for his job back any day now.

Heather seems to get upset a lot. First she was hurt because Bill didn't include her in the email about inappropriate places to be seen with the company vehicle and now she tells me that she's deathly afraid of clowns and can't work around Michael.

Toni seems very distraught that somebody keeps telling them that there are whales in Lake Washington.

Due to another company copyrighting and trademarking their own Kellen Board we had to change our board to The Whatever Board (hence the new face).

The Whatever Board of the Day

*not to be construed as Gossip

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