Wednesday, January 23, 2019


The Daily Chatter*

Tim got another note about his mug and also a not to retire contract, he hasn't signed it yet but he has retaliated by stealing one of Bill's stuffed animals.
Tim is such a lost puppy dog without his hot chocolate mug, it's pitiful. I'm not sure why everyone is grilling me about the mug, technically Bud stole it. 

We gave the new guy, Bryan, Bill's office for the week. I thought it would help in case Tim wanted to try to steal more of Bill's stuff. 

Ryan and I have been watching "The Crown" and last night in one of the episodes the guards shouted at Jackie Kennedy to "make way for the Queen's guards". I told Ryan that he could announce himself like that when we are in public. I have a feeling that he'll out diva me though, he has the wave down too perfectly so he'll definitely want to portray the Queen. 

The Whatever Board of the Day 
*not to be construed as Gossip

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