Wednesday, January 2, 2019


The Daily Chatter*

Michael's a little off his game today, he really thought Monday was going to be his last day of work because he had plans to win the mega millions. Needless to say he had to show up today despite all of the partying he did over New Years.

Typhinee always has to ruin my stories, I told her I was out hunting eagles on New Years Day and then she asked me what I was really doing. Why can't I have any awesome bar fight stories like she does?  (Sarah, don't worry I don't believe Typh, I'm sure this guy would just hug her if he saw her again.)

 Bill decided to MacGyver his way into his office over the weekend after forgetting his keys at home. Now he looks like Roxanne beat the crap out of his arm. He decided he had a ladder to get in through the ceiling tiles of his office.

We are now a copy center, an old man came in today just to ask me to make him copies of something.

*not to be construed as Gossip

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