Friday, June 26, 2015


The Daily Chatter*

I'm not sure why we had to work today considering that the bathroom fan is broken....

I had a dream that Roxanne invited all of us out to lunch but I don't think she wanted Bill to come. I think she wanted to talk about why he was all of a sudden wearing long jean skirts to work.

Roger's kind of kinky doesn't involve old men and doggy doors....

Mary was telling someone at one of our suppliers how to do his job today.

Roger could have sworn that he visited the Winchester Mansion today. He said there were all sorts of rooms that had been added onto the house and none of them made any sense.

"Bill, I've never told a lie." Toni   What about that time yesterday when he said that he was straight....

I think Michael is haunting my computer, I had a note that kept popping up on my screen that said Michael D........ 1 S/F

"Randy and I are such duds." Mary

Tim's off next week to go fly fishing in Montana.

MSN had an article titled "Why McGowan, Manson split?" Why would they not split, the man is scary ugly.

*not to be construed as Gossip

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