Wednesday, June 10, 2015


The Daily Chatter*

Toni was bummed that he left his phone at home but at 10:30 am he was happy because he found it in his car...Somebody really needs to talk to him about his drinking habits at work.

"I don't have much in my life to be excited about." Bill to Tim

"I know my parents hated me." Toni

"I'm a really sh*tty winner against sh*tty losers, does that make sense?" Toni

Bill thinks that now that he's married he can have sex in public legally. He said that was not the case in Canada though. 

This picture is for the next time when Bill tells you to do something that you think is impossible to do and he comes back with "what part of this don't you understand".

Tim told Roger that he should have gone into that crazy customers house yesterday naked.

Bill is still insisting that he's been married a month. I don't think he's going to make it to a year because it's only been 25 days and he feels like it's been a whole lifetime.

*not to be construed as Gossip

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