Tuesday, June 23, 2015



The Daily Chatter*

James Horner, the composer, died in a plane crash yesterday but his heart will go on (Titanic). 

Loopy Larry was outside leaning up against his Scionari this morning but facing forward about ready to fall over onto the pavement and he kept nodding off to sleep, he would slump over more then his head would jerk and he would go right back to sleep instantly, this went on for quite a while. My first thought is why isn't he going inside and sleeping on his couch but that was way too sensible. Toni said if he ended up on the ground that he was going to kick him.

In the land of Apex a miracle happened, Josh got a smart phone but Steve still has to teach him about the TSheets App. 

I'm not the only mean person who has poked fun of Toni for screwing up the dates on his tickets, Randy made a horrible joke out of it too.

*not to be construed as Gossip

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