Tuesday, June 2, 2015


The Daily Chatter*

I reminded Tim that his birthday week is next week and I'm pretty sure he told me to F Off.

It's a good thing Toni's car wasn't here this morning because the Honey Bucket guy was here again.

Roger wants to know if Bruce Jenner is doing this huge transformation just to hit from the red tees in golf.

Tim yelled at Bill for sitting in his office and just filing his freaking nails.

Don't make Steve sit down he's in pain from the needle that the doctor shoved in him yesterday.

Mary met Danny Bonaduce today and she mentioned he was on her freebie list. How long is her list?

 I had a dream last night that all of us joined Bill and Roxanne on their honeymoon and all I remember is that Matt, Steve and I wouldn't get out of our white fluffy robes to go anywhere.

Typhinee and I witnessed Bill getting his a$$ chewed up, spitted out in disgusting chunks and handed to him on a waterproof carpet platter and it wasn't even his wife. I'm pretty sure he gets to repaint the showroom walls.

*not to be construed as Gossip

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