Friday, June 12, 2015


The Daily Chatter*

Roger has the ability to determine whether or not people are normal according to Bill.

Matt and Steve both texted Toni last night that they miss him. I guess things aren't the same when they're out of town and can't have a threesome.

Ryan and I saw a DB truck last night on our way home and I had a dream that Mary sat him down in our office and screamed and yelled at him for stealing a sub, it was very exciting.

Christopher Lee from "Lord of the Rings" died on Monday he was 93.

Bill just told us today that Tim's a cheater and we need to keep our eye on him. He said every time the ref at the Whirlyball place would look away Tim was doing something illegal.

"I'd be mad at you if tomorrow wasn't my one month anniversary." Bill to Mary (he still hasn't made it to the 16th, his real one month anniversary)

Who keeps sending me Drug and Alcohol Addiction Help emails? I don't need help, I received way less DUI's this week than last week.

Speaking of DUI's, I didn't see creepy Marty after 9am this morning. Maybe he parked in back again to show off his cool ride to Cody to lure him into one of his airplane containers.

Roger says that Dot has quit asking about all of the weird stuff about him in The Chatter. I informed him that she doesn't want to know the truth.

*not to be construed as Gossip

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