Tuesday, June 16, 2015


The Daily Chatter*

It's very dangerous answering the phone when Steve doesn't realize that you've answered and he's still talking to the guys. All I can say is he thinks he deserves special favors because he gave some lady a wiener wrapped with bacon.

Roger dropped Dot off at the airport this morning, apparently she wants to join a gang in Baltimore.

Apparently I can't bring up certain things with Mary too early in the morning or else she hurls.

Watch out guys, hairy armpits are in now and it's going to be harder to tell if you've hooked up with a dude.

Tim was very perplexed as to why I knew some much about creepy Marty a.k.a. Loopy Larry. Tim obviously missed the chatter where I told creepy Marty I was too busy to have lunch with him and the day I met the strange serial killer next door and he invited me and my husband to go with him to his villa in the Philippines the next time he goes.

*not to be construed as Gossip

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