Thursday, June 11, 2015


The Daily Chatter*

Happy second Anniversary to Ryan and me!!!

"Star Wars" is awesome, you shut up and go back to work." Bill to Tim

"Magic elves are in there blowing on the water." Bill to Tim about changing out the water jug and it becoming instantly cold.

Toni loves pot stickers, the kind you eat not Cody's kind.

I went to the backroom today and everybody was gone and Bill wasn't at his desk, I just figured everyone was having an intervention about me. Turns out Cody saw Marty next door having some sort of shaking episode behind the dumpster and the guy was trying to shove his teeth back in. Then Tim, Bill, Cody and Toni went over to help but the other guy in the office said something about he gets like this when he's dehydrated.

Bill told me that I can't show my shiny shoes to Roxanne or else she'll go out and buy the same ones.
If she likes shiny, she needs these.

Cody is now calling our neighbor "Loopy Larry" all because he wants to talk to Cody now.

Nobody is going to believe me but Roger told me that he appreciated me today.

*not to be construed as Gossip

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