Friday, June 5, 2015


The Daily Chatter*

Oh no, Tim seems to be color blind, he thought I was wearing husky colors today and my dress is almost royal blue. Cody said it's the dress debate all over again.

Roger says he might be back depending on how he feels about life. Usually that's a pretty tricky subject for him, he has so many mood swings.

Creepy Marty gave Cody some of our mail today and started the conversation with something like "Thou Art" so Cody went all Shakespeare on the dude and I think he got creeped out, imagine that.

Don't trust anyone with a license plate that says "Invest in Children". Florida cops snared 101 men who were seeking to have sex with underage children and the odd thing is 22 of these people already worked around children: Universal Employees, Disney Employees, SeaWorld Employees and a counselor with a license plate that said Invest in Children.

Toni informed us that you don't want to use the words "truffle butter" or "eating watermelon" anymore around people who know words from Urban Dictionary or know rap songs. I did know about truffle butter before Toni said anything only because Mary has a potty mouth and says it almost daily. Toni mentioned one of the people at their table last night totally didn't understand and she responded back with "I love truffle butter."

Happy Birthday to Tim tomorrow, who will have his birthday celebrated on Monday because it can not conflict with my birthday week. It's already an inconvenience that it's in the same month.

Toni's been watching too many horror flicks because the sound of children whispering just about sent him into a frenzy this afternoon. 

*not to be construed as Gossip

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