Monday, June 22, 2015


The Daily Chatter*

I have come to the conclusion that you have to watch Tennessee Williams movies while intoxicated. The ending to "The Roman Spring of Mrs. Stone" just about sent Ryan over the edge and back to therapy with Roger.

"I like to stick it to Toni any chance I get." Roger

Roger and Dot went to the US Open yesterday and they posted a picture, I was just positive they were  trying to make Toni cry.

Mary's customer thought her tumbled travertine was full of worm holes.

I appreciate Roxanne taking one for the team, I don't appreciate Bill telling her what she can and can't do though.

Mary's trying to tell me that her phone is now typing messages to her clients with "I love you so much."

Mary did the unthinkable, she called me Crystal today. 

*not to be construed as Gossip

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