Tuesday, September 2, 2014


 The Daily Chatter*

Toni sold his grape last night.

Ego and power seem to have gone to Bill's head, he decided that he needed to buy himself a gold stapler over the weekend and now Tim's jealous.

Marty had to show me how good he looked in a Tux for his brothers wedding over the weekend. He would have looked better if he wasn't wearing a t-shirt under his tux.

Bill's not feeling well today and we think that his and Toni's cycles have synced.

Bill was pretty sure that Steve was going to bring a baseball bat to one of his jobsites tomorrow.

Poor Toni must be devastated Lance Bass proposed and it wasn't to him.

I was scrolling through MSN's best coffee shops in the US and Java Jugs wasn't on there. The Everett based coffee stand just got caught selling more than coffee if you know what I mean.

Siri seems to have lots of patience with Tim. You should have heard the jumbled mess he was trying to get her to respond to today.

*not to be construed as Gossip

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